King's Sporty Roadster, also known as Sport, is a registered TWH, 8-year-old black and white gelding standing 15.3 hands. He is a gentle, honest, forward horse with a heart of gold. Sport has spent the last two years as a field trial horse in parades and has been trail ridden all over the southeast. He necks reins easily, lopes softly on both leads, ground ties, and has an outstanding smooth gait. He is good with guns, dogs, mules, wagons, four-wheelers, cattle, traffic, and field trials. He does not mind being alone on the trails or in a large group. He has spent many days ponying and roading dogs and is friendly with all. He will be the same horse every time, even with time off. Sport loves water and will cross any ditch or log he is pointed towards with ease. Along with many great qualities, Sport will also side pass up to a mounting block, fence, or stump to be mounted easily. He stands quietly to be saddled, is easy to catch, stands for the farrier, and is quiet in the trailer. Sport is a super gentle horse that loves attention and will follow you any and everywhere.